Saturday, April 28, 2007

Here Is Why You Should Not Reveal That Your Innermost Secret

You know that many lies have been told and keep being told in the name of God.
Why? Because there is nothing wrong with it. God gave everyone the right to either lie or tell reality by keeping your thoughts hidden.

Truth is a misnomer for reality or fact left unguided by fools or loved ones who have vested interest in whom they make known the fact of a matter. God in his infinite wisdom keeps your thoughts secret from others, so what you do with them is your choice.

From the foregoing you can garner the fact that "Secrets and lies" are sacred rights of all. Anyone who tells you "The Secret" favors you. You have no right to know, so can be disfavored with a lie. The choice is the teller's.

A child at a very tender age realizes that you have no way of knowing what it thinks and decides to let you know or not. Desiring to be in control, you cajole and threaten it into believing that you have the right to know the secrets of its mind, where actually you have no right.

Therefore, be grateful to anyone who lets you into "The Secret." You have no right to know. The greatest injustice is to force one through cajoling, intimidation or torture to divulge a Secret.

Lies are very interesting. Do you also know that in respect of books, fabulous lies make "best sellers?" In parting, do not forget that if you tell all your truths you become predictable and inconsequential. However, don't get labeled a liar, that is not a good name. I should like to hear your views on this matter of the sacredness of " Secrets and lies of your mind."

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