Sunday, May 06, 2007

Three Simple Rules To Help You Succeed In Writing

If you ever want to succeed in writing the first rule is don't stop until you get enough. You have to determine how much enough is. For me, enough is when I get my goal accomplished. This is a very important rule because there will always be times when you will feel like quiting or feel like not writing. But a writer must write, just like a teacher must teach and a singer must sing. For a true writer, writing is not something that you do, it is who you are.

Creating a constant writing environment is really essential to giving you the "enough factor." This is tied into the goal factor which we will discuss shortly. Create enough speaking and writing channels. This can come through things as simple as developing a reading circle at a local library, developing a seminar series for your book, writing for different freelance associations or magazines. Another tip is to create works that have ongoing factors - like a saga. These type things keep your writing sharp.

The second rule is to set goals. Goal setting can begin with simple thoughts like this:

I am going to write about ...
This writing will help to get this accomplished for (express your purpose)
My goal is to have this (express where it is headed - personal, blogged, published, submitted for reviews)
I want to have this done by (set a specific time)

The more specific you are the better. Being specific about your goals will make you feel more accountable to get them done. You should have long term goals, short term goals and daily goals. The best way to set these goals is to establish the long term goal first. This will anchor where you are headed, then set your short term and daily goals on course to reach your long term results. Many people do just the opposite and do not get anywhere, because they never established where they were headed to begin with. You have to envision your realm of success before you get there. This is a principle that has really helped me over the years.

The third rule is always write. Even if it is just one sentence, it will keep your creative juices flowing. These are some things that have helped me:

Keep a journal by your bed and write before you start your day

Keep a pad and pencil and every room in your house, you never know when an inspiration will hit

Keep a writing pad in your car and if an inspiration comes write it down at a stop light

Mentally look for writing inspirations for example when I ride my bike I look at nature and come up with religious inpirations that I write for my weekly web articles when I go grocery shopping

I look for silly things people do and use these for blogging

Learn to listen and be extremely observant this creates a world of writing opportunities
Look for oddities and see if you can create some twist on it

Write with other writers - associate your self with other writers, writing networks, writers groups etc.

If you are a writer, it would be good to consider the task as essential as breathing. It is something that you must do. Invest in simple strategies like the ones listed above, they will keep you progressing. Every year you will become a better writer from doing simple things. Begin to keep a lot of different thought that impress you. You will never know when that thought might become the next highly sought after work.

You can go on and on with this. Those tips will keep you from getting writers block and will increase your sensitivity to the world around you. So get busy and don't stop writing.

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